(Slow Release Fertilizer). Yang telah terdaftar pada
Departemen Pertanian Pusat Perizinan dan Investasi
No : G 500/ DEPTAN-PPI/ VII/ 2008
Kebutuhan N (Nitrogen) pada tanaman merupakan faktor penentu khususnya dalam pertumbuhan vegetatif. N yang kita kenal selama ini umumnya bersumber dari UREA, walaupun ada N yang bebas di udara.
Semakin langkanya UREA di pasaran dan harga end user yang tidak murah lagi, serta adanya regulasi dengan perwilayahan, terkadang menjadi hambatan dalam distribusi.
Kami PT Delta Bumi Jaya berinisiatif membuat suatu terobosan atau inovasi dengan membuat pupuk ZEOREA-PLUS, dimana terkandung Nitrogen (±40%) di coating dengan ZEOLITE, dan beberapa unsur mikro lainnya, yang walaupun dibutuhkan dalam jumlah kecil tapi sangat essensial untuk tanaman.
Keunggulan Zeorea-Plus :
- Bahan dasar Urea Prill yang sudah di coating / dibungkus dengan Zeolite dan unsur-unsur mikro yang di butuhkan, mengandung Nitrogen ±40%.
- Slow release, Nitrogen dibutuhkan sesuai dengan umur tanaman. Mampu melepaskan zat hara yang terikat dalam tanah, di simpan dalam partikel dan dilepas sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan.
- 70% diserap tanaman dan 30% yang menguap / tercuci, berbanding terbalik dengan Urea Prill biasa.
- Mengupgrade PH tanah, Aerasi, Drainase, memperlebar pori-pori tanah, sehingga udara dan sinar matahari lebih mudah masuk.
- Pupuk yang ramah lingkungan, karena zeolite mampu mengikat / menyerap logam berat dan racun / residu pestisida. Sehingga dapat mengurangi kadar residu kimia dan buah sawit mejadi sehat. Zeolite merupakan pengontrol polutan yang ada di dalam tanah.
- Untuk komoditi yang berorientasi export, Zeorea Plus sangat menunjang mengingat produk perkebunan yang di hasilkan menjadi sehat, dan mengurangi kadar residu kimia (ex. pupuk / pestisida).

No: G 500/ DEPTAN-PPI/ VII/ 2008
The need of N (Nitrogen) has always been a significant factor in vegetative growth. N contains important component of many important structural, genetic and metabolic compounds in plant cells; and commonly known, N (Nitrogen) is sourced mainly from Urea.
The increasingly scarcity of Urea within the market, the highly price of end user and also the regional regulation have become the barrier in the Urea distribution process. This further trigger the market demand to switch and replace Urea with Zeorea that is proven to be reliable in fulfilling the constant market demand.
We, PT. DELTA BUMI JAYA is the first Company in Indonesia who initiate, innovate and making a breakthrough by creating ZEOREA-PLUS Fertilizer. It is a Slow Release fertilizer containing 38% N (Nitrogen) coated with ZEOLITE and other essential micro substances which greatly contribute in plant growth.
- Based on Urea Prill that is coated with Zeolite and other essential micro substances, ZeoRea – Plus contains 38% N (Nitrogen).
- Slow Release, the need N (Nitrogen) is in accordance to plants’ age. ZeoRea – Plus is able to release the nutrients bound in soil, hold them in a particle and will be released based on plants’ needs.
- 70% is absorbed by plants; only 30% is being evaporated / leached compared to regular Urea Prill.
- 30% more economical; the dosage used and volume needs are reduced by 30%; less transportation cost and more time effectiveness.
- Increase PH Soil, Restore Soil Acidity, Aeration, Drainage, Enlarge Soil’ Pores and therefore the soil will be well fertilized.
- It is an environmental friendly, since Zeolite have the ability to control and filter poison from chemical residue i.e. pesticide and heavy metal toxicity. This assists Plantation to have healthier agricultural products.
- Highly suitable for export commodity due to ZeoRea-Plus positive nature.